On-Site Weight & Balance Inc. is your solution to cost effective aircraft weighing. We are an aircraft weighing service serving the state of Florida and for larger aircraft the South East United States. For your quick quote call Sal Capra @ 863-206-3991. Here are some quick facts about weighing aircraft. Some of the people we serve are: aircraft owners, repair facilities, fixed base operators, avionics shops, aircraft paint shops, aircraft interior shops, fleet maintenance coordinators and experimental homebuilt aircraft builders. To keep things simple the term aircraft includes single engine, twin engine, corporate jet, commuter jet and helicopters.

- The FAA mandates that any aircraft used for hire must be weighed every three years and the center of gravity be calculated. FAR 135.185(a) Also any Aircraft carrying 20 or more passengers or carries a payload of 6000 pounds or more
FAR 125.91(b) - The FAA mandates that any Experimental Homebuilt aircraft upon completion must be weighed and the center of gravity be calculated before the final inspection and first flight.
- In the General Aviation World “Part 91” it is not as clear in the FAR’s. However there are many times when doing major repairs or upgrades, the weight and balance of the aircraft should or must be considered and is some cases recalculated. Paint, Interior and Avionics would be just a few. A very easy and accurate means of doing this is to have the Aircraft reweighed. You must ask yourself if a weight and balance created more that 30 or 40 years ago is accurate and up to date.
So…..if you are building an Experimental Homebuilt aircraft you could break out the bathroom scales, but in the professional aviation world that just will not work. What does work well are digital, calibrated, certified, wireless scales and load cells. These scales are costly to purchase, maintain, calibrate and certify. This would be where On-Site Weight & Balance Inc steps in. We deploy to your location with state of the art Jackson Aircraft Scales and get the job done. When we leave, you will have, in your hand a computer generated weight and balance report. If needed we can make the necessary log book entries. This is a cost effective, easy, accurate way to weigh your aircraft and get your aircraft in the air.
Do you want the cost to purchase, maintain, calibrate and certify your own scales? Do you really want to rely on the math of others over the life of the aircraft? Do you really want to figure your weight and balance on scales from Walmart? I didn’t think so, give Sal Capra with On-Site Weight & Balance Inc. in Lakeland, FL. a call @ 863-206-3991 and find out how cost effective and easy the plane weighing process is.